If we know America consistently falls behind in math, we need to examine why—and find real solutions.
At Marian Hope Academy, we understand that some factors holding us back as a nation are a heavy focus on rote memorization, confusing conceptualization programs with little systematic structure, overly broad curriculums with little depth, computerized math, and a system designed around standardized test scores instead of real understanding. We lack the necessary balance of conceptual and procedural learning, and not enough real-world application is emphasized in many programs. Frequent shifting of curriculums and changing of teachers year after year leaves little room for steady cohesive growth in math concepts. Students are all over the map with math skills and gaps. Parents are just as confused with math objectives as their children are.
Through our extensive research on math, observations of an array of math learners at all ages, and trial-error of ”too many to count” curriculums and strategies, we have nailed down our math philosophy…and WE ARE NOT CONFORMING to mainstream practices.
Our math programming at MHA is different. We foster a positive growth mindset, recognizing that every child learns math at their own pace. Some students need extra time to build a solid math foundation, while others catch on quicker. Instead of racing to cover every standard, we build upon each student’s skills to create a deep understanding. This is essential for their long-term success, and it’s why we’re able to help all students grow—even those with dyscalculia or other math challenges.
Recently, we’ve even implemented a high school math curriculum for our students with dyscalculia or other math challenges. They deserve the same opportunities as our students who find math easy and can breeze through concepts. With the “snails pace wins the race” philosophy, we’re teaching that any progress is progress, no matter the speed. Students stay the course, learning at a pace that solidifies their foundational skills. Some may finish College Algebra and Calculus before graduation and others succeed with a base understanding of Algebra and Geometry…but each one progresses and thrives.
Our goal is simple: less rush, more understanding. When we take the time needed and allow students to “talk through” their math understanding, students emerge stronger and more confident in math.
Our curriculum choices include: Math-u-See, Right Start Math, Denison math and a variety of supplemental materials and strategies. Students with dyscalculia or other math challenges receive additional support as needed.
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